
Genlot attends APLA 2023 at HongKong

Updated on 2023-05-29

Genlot attends APLA 2023 at HongKong 

Genlot attended the 2023 APLA seminar at the Hong Kong Sheraton hotel, hosted by the Asia Pacific Lottery Association and co-hosted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. The three-day seminar proved to be highly valuable, featuring engaging business programs centered around the theme of "leading through transformation." Industry experts and suppliers gathered to discuss a wide range of topics, including product innovation and transformation, as well as the game-changing impact of technology. Genlot greatly benefited from these insightful discussions.

Aside from actively participating in the business program, the experience was enhanced by visiting the Palace Museum and enjoying the excitement of the Happy Valley Racecourse. Our product manager, Dicer, particularly had a delightful time, as evident from his enthusiastic involvement in the event.


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